Building Materials
Today the building sector account for 40% of the total energy consumption in Europe. It is also the largest material consumer. An increased knowledge of material behaviour and properties over a life span perspective gives a guide to better material choice and will lead towards a more sustainable building sector.
The research area at the division of Building materials at KTH involves studies of the behaviour and properties of building materials in different environments based on material physics/chemistry. Focus areas are durability in general and moisture induced damages as well as energy efficiency of new types of eco-efficient building materials.
Contact us
Visiting address: Brinellvägen 23, Stockholm
Postal address:
KTH, School of ABE/Department of Civil and Architectural Engineering
Division of Building Materials
Personal name, Brinellvägen 23, Floor 3
S-100 44 Stockholm
Phone: +46 8-790 60 00
Fax: +46 8-411 84 32