Employees Head of Division Zeev Bohbot Head of division bohbot@kth.se , +4687904806 Profile Employees Last Name First Name Title Email Phone Ploskic Adnan Researcher ploskic@kth.se +46 8 790 48 86 Knutsson Eva Research Engineer evakn@kth.se +46 8 790 62 76 Algervik Robert Lecturer algervik@kth.se +46 8 790 97 21 Elomari Youssef Postdoc yelo@kth.se Wang Qian Researcher qian.wang@byv.kth.se +46 8 790 86 96 Eriksson Mikael Lecturer mikaeer@kth.se +46 8 790 97 57 Habib Mustapha Postdoc mushab@kth.se Guarin Cobo Alvaro Researcher alvaro.guarin@abe.kth.se +46 8 790 87 08 Hörngren Cecilia Lecturer cechor@kth.se +46 8 790 48 17 Aspetakis Giorgos Doctoral student gfasp@kth.se Teofilusson Gunilla Lecturer gteo@kth.se +46 72 148 63 28 Chirt Teoh Yik Doctoral student chirt@kth.se Helgesson Magnus Lecturer helg@kth.se +46 8 790 79 53 Laurell Lyne Åsa Lecturer alll@kth.se +46 8 790 87 01 Sadrizadeh Sasan Associate professor ssad@kth.se +46 8 790 87 51 Chen Yangzhe Doctoral student yangzhec@kth.se Hamo Sam Industry doctoral student shamo@kth.se Hou Fang Doctoral student fhou@kth.se Vigren Olli Researcher olliky@kth.se +46 73 944 27 02 Roozbeh Ahmad Reza Lecturer aroozbeh@kth.se +46 8 790 48 24 Peng Zeng Doctoral student zengp@kth.se Khalil Nour Lecturer nourk@kth.se Behzadi Amirmohammad Doctoral student abehzadi@kth.se