Student Thesis
Student Thesis
B. Kurasov and A. Alchasov,
"Environmental sustainability of a low-temperature heating system : A case study,"
, 2023.
I. A. U. Alhamo and F. Mobin,
"Experimental Investigation of Net-Tension Capacity in Birch Plywood Gusset Plates via Mechanical Connectors and Adhesives,"
, 2023.
S. Andersson, S. Collin and A. Eriksson,
"Rainwater Collecting Roofs on Schools in Indonesia : Field Study for a self-sufficient school,"
, 2023.
G. Bystedt and F. Estrada Bernuy,
"Balance between financial and quality gains in housing production : A study on concrete and wooden frames,"
, 2021.
J. Andersson and W. Edsman,
"Climate declaration 2022 : A study on the impact of the climate declaration on the construction industry,"
, 2021.
E. Johannessen and J. Knutsson,
"Concrete with low carbon dioxid emissions : Reduced amount of cement with husk ashes,"
, 2021.
N. Johansson and M. Torosian,
"Development of building x : Measurement proposals for a renovation project,"
, 2021.
P. Patel and N. Hussain,
"Digital environmental certification process by using BIM – models : A study on visualization of environmental parameters,"
, 2021.
M. Matte and D. Rangne,
"Drones in Civil Engineering Projects : Areas of Application With a Focus On Photogrammetry,"
, 2021.
F. Frykman and L. Koriel,
"Environmental aspects in partnering projects : Comparison between two partnering projects,"
, 2021.
L. Bönke and M. Habibi,
"Housing after Corona : How a building can be designed for working from home,"
, 2021.
M. Asaad and A. Husseini,
"Optimization of the process for reuse of steel beams using parametric design,"
, 2021.
A. Nordlöf and D. Holmboe,
"Pile subjected to lateral load : Analytical hand calculation implemented by programming,"
, 2021.
T. Badrous and E. Lund,
"Reduced stress method for steel in class 4 cross-sections : Evaluation of the reduced stress method for a railway bridge,"
, 2021.
H. Swanepoel and H. Teiner,
"Spend time, get paid. : BIM with 3D modelling for a small construction enterprise, a study of a small construction enterprise.,"
, 2021.
A. Osman Said and G. Uludag,
"The reuse of building materials : How waste management in the construction industry can be improved through collaboration,"
, 2021.
C. Andersson and D. Björk,
"The road towards the flawless residence : A case study in process- and quality management,"
, 2021.
D. Jovanovic and R. Khalilov,
"Transverse force absorption in column base mounts for steel columns : Screw joints in column bases,"
, 2021.
P. Taraldsson and T. Sunesson,
"Alternative Fire Protection for CL - Timber : A Pilot Study,"
, 2020.
L. Porwisz and P. Gustafsson,
"An investigation of logistical solutions for exploitation of urban environments.,"
, 2020.
K. Irsten and A. Carlsson,
"Bygga containerhus : En undersökning av att använda fraktcontainer i bostadsbyggandet,"
, 2020.
S. Joel and J. Stjerngren,
"Collective Housing From a Sustainable Perspective : An Investigative Work Within Architecture,"
, 2020.
J. Ibrahim and A. Kateesh,
"Comparison of two different materials on frame systems with focus on life cycle analysis.,"
, 2020.
M. Wosnitza Åhlander and A. Arleij,
"Cracking in Fermacell based inner walls : An investigative study of the relationship between moisture related movements and wall cracking,"
, 2020.
F. Alzuhairi and A. Fatah,
"Environmentally improved concrete is compared with ordinary concrete with respect to estimated environmental impact,"
, 2020.
"Item Tracking Supporting Digitalization in Construction Processes,"
, 2020.
G. KLENCOVLJEVIC and M. Shuvo Khan,
"Permanenta klätterväxlar – en undersökning : Denna rapport innehåller intervjuer, litteraturstudie samt en fältundersökning med ljudnivåmätning,"
, 2020.
A. Mikha and G. Radouani,
"Soil reinforcement with geopolymer : A FEM study in the Old Town subway track adjacent to Söderströmsbron,"
, 2020.
C. Amjadi and J. Melek,
"The impact of stage casting on shrinkage restraint in concrete walls,"
, 2020.
L. Svensson and E. Berghem,
"Vibrations in cross-laminated timber floors : Examining standards,"
, 2020.
"Virtual Design and Construction : Integrated Concurrent Engineering på distans,"
, 2020.
J. Langborg and F. Tavana Nejad,
"Ökad källsortering för materialåtervinning : Åtgärdsförslag för att minska mängden byggavfall som källsorteras i fraktionen brännbart,"
, 2020.
M. Cavallius and A. Östman,
"BIM Model for Facility Management : What facility management wants and needs,"
, 2019.
V. Fredriksson and B. Gluhajic,
"Heating systems in small houses : A comparison between geothermal heating and district heating,"
, 2019.
S. Olsson and S. Candler,
"Payback periods for photovoltaics integrated in nonbuilding structures,"
, 2019.