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Journal Articles

Journal Articles

H. Chen, J. Kronqvist and Z. Ma, "A choice-based optimization approach for service operations in multimodal mobility systems," Transportation Research Part C : Emerging Technologies, vol. 171, 2025.
Q. Zhang et al., "Quantifying Variable Contributions to Bus Operation Delays Considering Causal Relationships," Transportation Research, Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review, vol. 194, pp. 103881, 2025.
M. A. Khan et al., "Charge-on-the-move solutions for future mobility : A review of current and future prospects," Transportation Research Interdisciplinary Perspectives, vol. 29, 2025.
R. Jia et al., "i-CLTP : Integrated contrastive learning with transformer framework for traffic state prediction and network-wide analysis," Transportation Research Part C : Emerging Technologies, vol. 171, 2025.
B. Djordjevic et al., "An optimisation-based digital twin for automated operation of rail level crossings," Expert systems with applications, vol. 239, 2024.
Y. Song et al., "A state-based inverse reinforcement learning approach to model activity-travel choices behavior with reward function recovery," Transportation Research Part C : Emerging Technologies, vol. 158, 2024.
D. Leffler et al., "An adaptive route choice model for integrated fixed and flexible transit systems," Transportmetrica B : Transport Dynamics, vol. 12, no. 1, 2024.
C. Sánchez and I. Nordmark, "Knowledge hub : ESEP4Freight's contribution to rail freight information," Global Railway Review, vol. 30, no. 1, pp. 38-39, 2024.
M. S. Middela et al., "Greenhouse gas emissions from heavy-duty vehicles in Ireland," Transportation Research Part D : Transport and Environment, vol. 130, 2024.
D. Ivina and Z. Ma, "Stability assessment of railway trackwork scheduling in Sweden," European Transport Research Review, vol. 16, no. 1, 2024.
E. Tan et al., "MVOPFAD : Multiview Online Passenger Flow Anomaly Detection," IEEE Sensors Journal, vol. 24, no. 9, pp. 14668-14681, 2024.
H. Yan et al., "Improving multi-modal transportation recommendation systems through contrastive De-biased heterogenous graph neural networks," Transportation Research Part C : Emerging Technologies, vol. 164, 2024.
I. Johansson and A. Peterson, "Rail platform allocation for reliable interchanges," Transportation Research Procedia, vol. 78, pp. 198-205, 2024.
B. Berg Wincent, E. Jenelius and W. Burghout, "Shared e-scooters : A last-minute mode?," Travel Behaviour & Society, vol. 37, 2024.
N. Zarbakhshnia and Z. Ma, "Critical success factors for the adoption of AVs in sustainable urban transportation," Transport Policy, vol. 156, pp. 62-76, 2024.
E. Krmac and B. Djordjevic, "Digital Twins for Railway Sector : Current State and Future Directions," IEEE Access, vol. 12, pp. 108597-108615, 2024.
S. Zahedi, H. N. Koutsopoulos and Z. Ma, "Improving demand responsive transit services : Insights from the London field test," Journal of Public Transportation, vol. 26, 2024.
B. Liu et al., "Designing a carbon-trading incentive scheme for mode shifts in multi-modal transport systems," Transportation Research Part E : Logistics and Transportation Review, vol. 192, 2024.
M. Cebecauer et al., "Revealing representative day-types in transport networks using traffic data clustering," Journal of Intelligent Transportation Systems / Taylor & Francis, vol. 8, no. 5, pp. 695-718, 2024.
W. Jiang, H. N. Koutsopoulos and Z. Ma, "A Reverse Auction-Based Individualized Incentive System for Transit Mobility Management," IEEE transactions on intelligent transportation systems (Print), vol. 25, no. 11, pp. 15871-15885, 2024.
W. Zhou et al., "Traffic Signal Phase and Timing Estimation Using Trajectory Data From Radar Vision Integrated Camera," IEEE transactions on intelligent transportation systems (Print), vol. 25, no. 11, pp. 18279-18291, 2024.
M. Al-Mousa, H. Sipilä and O. Fröidh, "Railway capacity utilization and service quality of freight trains with increased top speed in mixed traffic," Transportation Research Interdisciplinary Perspectives, vol. 28, 2024.
G. Mukunzi, E. Jansson and C. W. Palmqvist, "Factors influencing restoration time in railways," Transportation Research Interdisciplinary Perspectives, vol. 28, 2024.
A. Skoufas et al., "Assessing contributions of passenger groups to public transportation crowding," Journal of Public Transportation, vol. 26, 2024.
B. Hong and W. Burghout, "An Adaptive Estimation Approach for Integrating Real-World Operation Dynamics in Engine-Out NOx Emission Modeling of a Wheel Loader," Emission Control Science and Technology, vol. 10, no. 2, pp. 93-109, 2024.
Z. Zhang et al., "Improving 3-day deterministic air pollution forecasts using machine learning algorithms," Atmospheric Chemistry And Physics, vol. 24, no. 2, pp. 807-851, 2024.
O. Cats, S. Derrible and J. Chow, "Special issue on "Reliability and resilience of emerging mobility systems", an editorial note," Transportmetrica B : Transport Dynamics, vol. 11, no. 1, pp. 1092-1094, 2023.
L. Wang et al., "Human-centric multimodal deep (HMD) traffic signal control," IET Intelligent Transport Systems, vol. 17, no. 4, pp. 744-753, 2023.
K. Tuncel, H. N. Koutsopoulos and Z. Ma, "An integrated ride-matching and vehicle-rebalancing model for shared mobility on-demand services," Computers & Operations Research, vol. 159, 2023.
H. Badia and E. Jenelius, "Shared e-scooter micromobility : review of use patterns, perceptions and environmental impacts," Transport reviews, vol. 43, no. 5, pp. 811-837, 2023.
L. Kolkowski et al., "Measuring activity-based social segregation using public transport smart card data," Journal of Transport Geography, vol. 110, 2023.
M. M. Zefreh et al., "A data-driven decision support tool for public transport service analysis and provision," Transport Policy, vol. 135, pp. 82-90, 2023.
J. Y. Lin et al., "The equity of public transport crowding exposure," Journal of Transport Geography, vol. 110, 2023.
K. Y. Tiong, Z. Ma and C.-W. Palmqvist, "Analyzing factors contributing to real-time train arrival delays using seemingly unrelated regression models," Transportation Research Part A : Policy and Practice, vol. 174, 2023.
B. Djordjevic, O. Fröidh and E. Krmac, "Determinants of autonomous train operation adoption in rail freight : knowledge-based assessment with Delphi-ANP approach," Soft Computing - A Fusion of Foundations, Methodologies and Applications, vol. 27, no. 11, pp. 7051-7069, 2023.
J. Hatzenbühler et al., "Modular vehicle routing for combined passenger and freight transport," Transportation Research Part A : Policy and Practice, vol. 173, pp. 103688-103688, 2023.
B. Liu et al., "Passenger flow anomaly detection in urban rail transit networks with graph convolution network-informer and Gaussian Bayes models," Philosophical Transactions. Series A : Mathematical, physical, and engineering science, vol. 381, no. 2254, 2023.
Full list in the KTH publications portal

Journal Articles (2017-12-31)

O. Cats and E. Jenelius, "Beyond a complete failure: The impact of partial capacity degradation on public transport network vulnerability," Transportmetrica B : Transport Dynamics, vol. 6, no. 2, pp. 77-96, 2018.
I. Kristoffersson and L. Engelson, "Estimating preferred departure times of road users in a large urban network," Transportation, vol. 45, no. 3, pp. 767-787, 2018.
J. Jin and X. Ma, "A Decentralized Traffic Light Control System Based on Adaptive Learning," IFAC-PapersOnLine, vol. 50, no. 1, pp. 5301-5306, 2017.
J. Jin and X. Ma, "A group-based traffic signal control with adaptive learning ability," Engineering applications of artificial intelligence, vol. 65, pp. 282-293, 2017.
M. Fadaei Oshyani, O. Cats and A. Bhaskar, "A hybrid scheme for real-time prediction of bus trajectories : Hybrid Scheme for Real-Time Prediction," Journal of Advanced Transportation, vol. 50, no. 8, pp. 2130-2149, 2017.
J. Jin, X. Ma and I. Kosonen, "A stochastic optimization framework for road traffic controls based on evolutionary algorithms and traffic simulation," Advances in Engineering Software, vol. 114, pp. 348-360, 2017.
M. Cebecauer and Ľ. Buzna, "A versatile adaptive aggregation framework for spatially large discrete location-allocation problems," Computers & industrial engineering, vol. 111, pp. 364-380, 2017.
P. Suau-Sanchez, A. Voltes-Dorta and H. Rodríguez-Déniz, "An assessment of the potential for self-connectivity at European airports in holiday markets," Tourism Management, vol. 62, pp. 54-64, 2017.
J. Jin, X. Ma and I. Kosonen, "An intelligent control system for traffic lights with simulation-based evaluation," Control Engineering Practice, vol. 58, pp. 24-33, 2017.
G. Mwesige et al., "Effect of passing zone length on operation and safety of two-lane rural highways in Uganda," IATSS RESEARCH, vol. 41, no. 1, pp. 38-46, 2017.
I. Kristoffersson, L. Engelson and M. Börjesson, "Efficiency vs equity : Conflicting objectives of congestion charges," Transport Policy, vol. 60, pp. 99-107, 2017.
Y. O. Susilo and C. Liu, "Examining the relationships between individual's time use and activity participations with their health indicators," European Transport Research Review, vol. 9, no. 2, 2017.
W. Zhang, E. Jenelius and X. Ma, "Freight transport platoon coordination and departure time scheduling under travel time uncertainty," Transportation Research Part E : Logistics and Transportation Review, vol. 98, pp. 1-23, 2017.
J. Fu, E. Jenelius and H. N. Koutsopoulos, "Identification of workstations in earthwork operations from vehicle GPS data," Automation in Construction, vol. 83, pp. 237-246, 2017.
Y. Zhang, E. Jenelius and K. Kottenhoff, "Impact of real-time crowding information : A Stockholm metro case study," Public Transport, vol. 9, no. 3, pp. 483-499, 2017.
J. West and O. Cats, "Individual and Synergetic Effects of Transit Service Improvement Strategies : Simulation and Validation," Journal of transportation engineering, vol. 143, no. 6, 2017.
G. Gentile and O. Cats, "Introduction to the special issue on public transport modelling," EURO Journal on Transportation and Logistics, vol. 6, no. 3, pp. 219-220, 2017.
I. Johansson et al., "Look-ahead speed planning for heavy-duty vehicle platoons using traffic information," Transportation Research Procedia, vol. 22, pp. 561-569, 2017.
O. Cats and Z. Gkioulou, "Modelling the Impacts of Public Transport Reliability and Travel Information on Passengers’ Waiting Time Uncertainty," EURO Journal on Transportation and Logistics, vol. 6, no. 3, 2017.
X. Ma, F. Al Khoury and J. Jin, "Prediction of arterial travel time considering delay in vehicle re-identification," Transportation Research Procedia, vol. 22, pp. 625-634, 2017.
A. Bastian, M. Börjesson and J. Eliasson, "Response to Wadud and Baierl : “Explaining ‘peak car’ with economic variables: An observation”," Transportation Research Part A : Policy and Practice, vol. 95, pp. 386-389, 2017.
N. Rathnayake et al., "Saliva and plasma levels of cardiac-related biomarkers in post-myocardial infarction patients.," Journal of Clinical Periodontology, vol. 44, no. 7, pp. 692-699, 2017.
M. Chen et al., "Service evaluation of public bicycle scheme from a user perspective," Transportation Research Record, vol. 2634, pp. 28-34, 2017.
B. Kjellström et al., "Symptoms of depression and their relation to myocardial infarction and periodontitis," European Journal of Cardiovascular Nursing, vol. 16, no. 6, pp. 468-474, 2017.
R. Fernandez Abenoza, O. Cats and Y. O. Susilo, "Travel satisfaction with public transport : Determinants, user classes, regional disparities and their evolution," Transportation Research Part A : Policy and Practice, vol. 95, pp. 64-84, 2017.
M. Rahmani, H. N. Koutsopoulos and E. Jenelius, "Travel time estimation from sparse floating car data with consistent path inference : A fixed point approach," Transportation Research Part C : Emerging Technologies, vol. 85, pp. 628-643, 2017.
M. Andersson, K. Brundell-Freij and J. Eliasson, "Validation of aggregate reference forecasts for passenger transport," Transportation Research Part A : Policy and Practice, vol. 96, pp. 101-118, 2017.
A. Voltes-Dorta, H. Rodríguez-Déniz and P. Suau-Sánchez, "Vulnerability of the European air transport network to major airport closures from the perspective of passenger delays : Ranking the most critical airports," Transportation Research Part A : Policy and Practice, vol. 96, pp. 119-145, 2017.
O. Cats, J. West and J. Eliasson, "A dynamic stochastic model for evaluating congestion and crowding effects in transit systems," Transportation Research Part B : Methodological, vol. 89, pp. 43-57, 2016.
Q. Deng, "A General Simulation Framework for Modeling and Analysis of Heavy-Duty Vehicle Platooning," IEEE transactions on intelligent transportation systems (Print), vol. 17, no. 11, pp. 3252-3262, 2016.
J. Jin and X. Ma, "A Learning-based Adaptive Group-based Signal Control System under Oversaturated Conditions," IFAC-PapersOnLine, vol. 49, no. 5, pp. 291-296, 2016.
J. Jin and X. Ma, "A Learning-based Adaptive Signal Control System with Function Approximation," IFAC-PapersOnLine, vol. 49, no. 3, pp. 5-10, 2016.
J. West, M. Börjesson and L. Engelson, "Accuracy of the Gothenburg congestion charges," Transportation Research Part A : Policy and Practice, vol. 94, pp. 266-277, 2016.
J. Westin et al., "Achieving political acceptability for new transport infrastructure in congested urban regions," Transportation Research Part A : Policy and Practice, vol. 88, pp. 286-303, 2016.
A. Silvano, H. Koutsopoulos and X. Ma, "Analysis of vehicle-bicycle interactions at unsignalized crossings : A probabilistic approach and application," Accident Analysis and Prevention, vol. 97, pp. 38-48, 2016.
C. Anderstig et al., "Congestion Charges and Labour Market Imperfections," Journal of Transport Economics and Policy, vol. 50, pp. 113-131, 2016.
D. B. E. Dharmowijoyo, Y. O. Susilo and A. Karlström, "Day-to-day variability in travellers' activity-travel patterns in the Jakarta metropolitan area," Transportation, vol. 43, no. 4, pp. 601-621, 2016.
D. Asplund and J. Eliasson, "Does uncertainty make cost-benefit analyses pointless?," Transportation Research Part A : Policy and Practice, vol. 92, pp. 195-205, 2016.
O. Cats and G. Loutos, "Evaluating the added-value of online bus arrival prediction schemes," Transportation Research Part A : Policy and Practice, vol. 86, pp. 35-55, 2016.
M. Beser Hugosson et al., "Evaluation of the Swedish car fleet model using recent applications," Transport Policy, vol. 49, pp. 30-40, 2016.
J. Eliasson, "Is congestion pricing fair? : Consumer and citizen perspectives on equity effects," Transport Policy, vol. 52, pp. 1-15, 2016.
O. Cats and M. Hartl, "Modelling public transport on-board congestion : comparing schedule-based and agent-based assignment approaches and their implications," Journal of Advanced Transportation, vol. 50, no. 6, pp. 1209-1224, 2016.
N. Ahmad Termida, Y. O. Susilo and J. P. Franklin, "Observing dynamic behavioural responses due to the extension of a tram line by using panel survey," Transportation Research Part A : Policy and Practice, vol. 86, pp. 78-95, 2016.
Full list in the KTH publications portal
Belongs to: Department of Civil and Architectural Engineering
Last changed: Feb 25, 2022