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W. Burghout et al., "Multimodal Traffic Management : Project Report," Trafikverket, 2024.
E. Jenelius et al., "Prestudy on Establishing a Research Project on Forecasting Methodology," Stockholm : KTH Royal Institute of Technology, TRITA-ABE-RPT, 2328, 2023.
H. Badia Rodriguez et al., "Modelling of Micromobility (M3) - Prestudy on Knowledge Needs and Usage Patterns : Final report," KTH Royal Institute of Technology, 2021.
S. Peftitsi, E. Jenelius and O. Cats, "Modeling the interaction between metro platform and on-board crowding," KTH Royal Institute of Technology, 2019.
E. Jenelius and M. Cebecauer, "SHARP: Pre-study of Data Sharing for Demand-Responsive and Public Transport System-of-Systems : Public report," Fordonsstrategisk forskning och innovation, 2019.
A. Pernestål Brenden et al., "Shared Automated Vehicles - Research & Assessment in a 1st pilot : SARA1 Results report," KTH Royal Institute of Technology, 2018.
B.-L. Nelldal, "Line capacity and train capacity for future rail freight corridors : Capacity4Rail WP32.2 Appendix 1, EC Contract No FP7- 605650," Stockholm : KTH Royal Institute of Technology, TRITA-TEC-RR, 17-011, 2017.
B.-L. Nelldal, "Requirements toward the freight system of 2030/2050 : Capacity4Rail Deliverable 21.2, EC Contract No FP7- 605650," Stockholm : KTH Royal Institute of Technology, TRITA-TEC-RR 17-002, 2017.
B.-L. Nelldal, "Scenarios of Development of new rail freight vehicles. : Capacity4Rail, WP2.2, MS 15. EC Contract No FP7- 605650," Stockholm : KTH Royal Institute of Technology, TRITA-TEC-RR 17-005, 2017.
B.-L. Nelldal, "Economic evaluation of intermodal terminals and marshalling yards : Capacity4Rail WP2.3.5 EC, Contract No FP7- 605650," Stockholm : KTH Royal Institute of Technology, TRITA-TEC-RR 17-008, 2016.
B.-L. Nelldal, "Measurements for Intermodal Transport Chains : Capacity4Rail WP2.3.2, EC Contract No FP7- 605650," Stockholm : KTH Royal Institute of Technology, TRITA-TEC-RR 17-007, 2015.
B.-L. Nelldal and O. Fröidh, "Roadmap for development of rail and intermodal freight transportations : High Capacity Transport for rail - Green Freight Train," Stockholm : KTH Royal Institute of Technology, TRITA-TSC-RR, 13-006, 2013.
B.-L. Nelldal, H. Boysen and A. Carillo Zanuy, "Study on railway business for VEL Wagon and target costs," , 2012.
B.-L. Nelldal, "Efficient train systems for freight transport : Summary," , KTH Railway Group Report, 0503, 2005.

Reports (2017-12-31)

A. Pernestål Brenden, I. Kristoffersson and L.-G. Mattsson, "Future scenarios for self-driving vehicles in Sweden," stockholm, TRITA-MMK, 2017:07, 2017.
A. Pernestål Brenden et al., "Off-peak City Logistics – A Case Study in Stockholm," , TRITA-MMK, 2017:06, 2017.
O. Cats, J. West and J. Eliasson, "Appraisal of increased public transport capacity : The case of a new metro line to Nacka, Sweden," , CTS working paper, 2015:2, 2014.
A. Vigren, "Costs for Swedish Public Transport Authorities," , CTS - Working papers in Transport Economics, 2014:22, 2014.
B.-L. Nelldal and H. Boysen, "Cross-border freight transportation by rail Oslo-Gothenburg-Copenhagen-Hamburg - Challenges and opportunities : The Scandinavian 8 Million City, COINCO II," Stockholm : KTH Royal Institute of Technology, TRITA-TEC-RR, 14‐006, 2014.
J. West, M. Börjesson and L. Engelsson, "Ex-post evaluation of national transport model : Gothenburg congestion charges application," , CTS working paper, 2016:9, 2014.
A. Almroth et al., "Further development of SAMPERS and modeling of urban congestion," , Working papers in Transport Economics, No 2014:10, 2014.
O. Fröidh and J. Warg, "The European Corridor : Capacity and journey times," Stockholm : KTH Royal Institute of Technology, TRITA-TSC-RR, 14-007, 2014.
H. Boysen, "Developing larger loading gauges for Europe," Bothnian Green Logistic Corridor, 2013.
O. Fröidh, K. Kottenhoff and J. Warg, "Green Train : Comfort evaluation of active secondary suspension," Stockholm : KTH Royal Institute of Technology, KTH Railway Group, 13:03, 2013.
C. Osorio and G. Flötteröd, "A stochastic analytical kinematic wave model," , 2012.
K. Kottenhoff and E. Andersson, "Attractive and Efficient Train Interiors, GRÖNA TÅGET," , 2012.
B.-L. Nelldal, H. Boysen and A. Carillo Zanuy, "Study on railway business for VEL Wagon and target costs," , 2012.
I. Kristoffersson and L. Engelson, "Alternativa vägavgiftssystem och individers resval," , 2011.
J. Illenberger and G. Flötteröd, "Estimating properties from snowball sampled networks," , 2011.
A.-I. Lundberg and B.-L. Nelldal, "Konkurrens och samverkan mellan tåg och flyg, Del 2 : Tidsserieanalys i Sverige," , TRITA-TEC-RR, 11-002, 2011.
T. Stojanovski, "The interrelationship between bus transport and neighbourhoods in Karlstad," KTH Royal Institute of Technology, 2011.
J. Illenberger, G. Flötteröd and K. Nagel, "The role of spatial interaction in social networks," , 2011.
V. Psaraki-Kalouptsidi, I. Pagoni and O. Fröidh, "TOSCA. Transport Infrastructure Capacity Assessment. Rail transport," , 2011.
M. Börjesson, J. Eliasson and I. Kristoffersson, "Trängselskatt på Essingeleden minskar trängseln kraftigt. PM till TV4 20110425," , 2011.
K. Kottenhoff and P. G. Andersson, "Bus Rapid Transit in Sweden? : Shortversion of a Swedish Prestudy," , Trita-TEC-RR, 09-001, 2010.
G. Troche and A. Carillo Zanuy, "FERRMED Freight Wagon Concept Study," , 2009.
O. Fröidh and B.-L. Nelldal, "Tåget till framtiden : järnvägen 200 år 2056," , Trita-TEC-RR, 06-004, 2008.
G. Troche, "High-speed rail freight," , 2005.
Belongs to: Department of Civil and Architectural Engineering
Last changed: Feb 25, 2022