H. Hallesius, B. Kordnejad and I. Nordmark,
"A pre-study for a new efficient transshipment technology for combined transports,"
, 2023.
B. Kordnejad et al.,
"D25.3 Report on the basic functional and technical specifications regarding CMS as relevant input for FP3,"
, 2023.
E. Jenelius et al.,
"Prestudy on Establishing a Research Project on Forecasting Methodology,"
Stockholm : KTH Royal Institute of Technology, TRITA-ABE-RPT, 2328, 2023.
B. Djordjevic and B. Kordnejad,
"Report on capacity/productivity gains, modal shift potential, marketopportunities and quantification of external effects,"
, 2023.
H. Sipilä,
"Simulations with PROTON and RailSys : Use of a macroscopic and microscopicrailway simulation tool in Swedish applications,"
, TRITA-ABE-RPT, 2323, 2023.
B. Kordnejad,
"Deliverable 3.3 Demonstration and Evaluation including Best Usage of the Data Capture,"
, 2022.
H. Badia Rodriguez et al.,
"Modelling of Micromobility (M3) - Prestudy on Knowledge Needs and Usage Patterns : Final report,"
KTH Royal Institute of Technology, 2021.
O. Cats et al.,
"Unravelling Mobility Patterns using Longitudinal Smart Card Data : Final report for Trafik och Region 2019SLL-KTH research project,"
KTH Royal Institute of Technology, 2021.
O. Cats et al.,
"How fair is the fare? Estimating travel patterns and the impacts of fare schemes for different user groups in Stockholm based on smartcard data : Final report for Trafik och Region 2018 SLL-KTH research project,"
KTH Royal Institute of Technology, 2019.
S. Peftitsi, E. Jenelius and O. Cats,
"Modeling the interaction between metro platform and on-board crowding,"
KTH Royal Institute of Technology, 2019.
E. Jenelius and M. Cebecauer,
"SHARP: Pre-study of Data Sharing for Demand-Responsive and Public Transport System-of-Systems : Public report,"
Fordonsstrategisk forskning och innovation, 2019.
A. Pernestål Brenden et al.,
"Shared Automated Vehicles - Research & Assessment in a 1st pilot : SARA1 Results report,"
KTH Royal Institute of Technology, 2018.
B.-L. Nelldal,
"Conceptual terminals’ design methodology for different markets : Capacity4Rail, Working report in WP 2.3.1. EC Contract No FP7- 605650.,"
Stockholm : KTH Royal Institute of Technology, TRITA-TEC-RR 17-006, 2017.
B.-L. Nelldal,
"Line capacity and train capacity for future rail freight corridors : Capacity4Rail WP32.2 Appendix 1, EC Contract No FP7- 605650,"
Stockholm : KTH Royal Institute of Technology, TRITA-TEC-RR, 17-011, 2017.
B.-L. Nelldal,
"Parameters for capacity and costs of freight trains in Sweden including Business cases and validation of new freight wagons : Capacity4Rail WP2.3.1 APPENDIX to D5.4 2/3 Assessment of technologies, scenarios and impacts including MS23, EC Contract No FP7- 605650,"
Stockholm : KTH Royal Institute of Technology, TRITA-TEC-RR 17-012, 2017.
B.-L. Nelldal,
"Requirements toward the freight system of 2030/2050 : Capacity4Rail Deliverable 21.2, EC Contract No FP7- 605650,"
Stockholm : KTH Royal Institute of Technology, TRITA-TEC-RR 17-002, 2017.
B.-L. Nelldal,
"Scenarios of Development of new rail freight vehicles. : Capacity4Rail, WP2.2, MS 15. EC Contract No FP7- 605650,"
Stockholm : KTH Royal Institute of Technology, TRITA-TEC-RR 17-005, 2017.
B.-L. Nelldal,
"Economic evaluation of intermodal terminals and marshalling yards : Capacity4Rail WP2.3.5 EC, Contract No FP7- 605650,"
Stockholm : KTH Royal Institute of Technology, TRITA-TEC-RR 17-008, 2016.
B.-L. Nelldal,
"Measurements for Intermodal Transport Chains : Capacity4Rail WP2.3.2, EC Contract No FP7- 605650,"
Stockholm : KTH Royal Institute of Technology, TRITA-TEC-RR 17-007, 2015.
B.-L. Nelldal,
"CCT – An intermodal terminal handling system for horizontal transfer : Effects on costs, logistics, energy consumption and greenhouse gases,"
Stockholm : KTH Royal Institute of Technology, TRITA-TEC-RR, 14-012, 2014.
B.-L. Nelldal and O. Fröidh,
"Roadmap for development of rail and intermodal freight transportations : High Capacity Transport for rail - Green Freight Train,"
Stockholm : KTH Royal Institute of Technology, TRITA-TSC-RR, 13-006, 2013.
B.-L. Nelldal, H. Boysen and A. Carillo Zanuy,
"Study on railway business for VEL Wagon and target costs,"
, 2012.
B.-L. Nelldal,
"Efficient train systems for freight transport : Summary,"
, KTH Railway Group Report, 0503, 2005.
Reports (2017-12-31)
A. Pernestål Brenden, I. Kristoffersson and L.-G. Mattsson,
"Future scenarios for self-driving vehicles in Sweden,"
stockholm, TRITA-MMK, 2017:07, 2017.
A. Pernestål Brenden et al.,
"Off-peak City Logistics – A Case Study in Stockholm,"
, TRITA-MMK, 2017:06, 2017.
O. Cats, J. West and J. Eliasson,
"Appraisal of increased public transport capacity : The case of a new metro line to Nacka, Sweden,"
, CTS working paper, 2015:2, 2014.
A. Vigren,
"Costs for Swedish Public Transport Authorities,"
, CTS - Working papers in Transport Economics, 2014:22, 2014.
B.-L. Nelldal and H. Boysen,
"Cross-border freight transportation by rail Oslo-Gothenburg-Copenhagen-Hamburg - Challenges and opportunities : The Scandinavian 8 Million City, COINCO II,"
Stockholm : KTH Royal Institute of Technology, TRITA-TEC-RR, 14‐006, 2014.
S. Flügel et al.,
"Evaluation of methods for calculating traffic assignment and travel times in congested urban areas with strategic transport models,"
, TØI report, 1358/2014, 2014.
J. West, M. Börjesson and L. Engelsson,
"Ex-post evaluation of national transport model : Gothenburg congestion charges application,"
, CTS working paper, 2016:9, 2014.
A. Almroth et al.,
"Further development of SAMPERS and modeling of urban congestion,"
, Working papers in Transport Economics, No 2014:10, 2014.
O. Fröidh and J. Warg,
"The European Corridor : Capacity and journey times,"
Stockholm : KTH Royal Institute of Technology, TRITA-TSC-RR, 14-007, 2014.
O. Fröidh, K. Kottenhoff and J. Warg,
"Green Train : Comfort evaluation of active secondary suspension,"
Stockholm : KTH Royal Institute of Technology, KTH Railway Group, 13:03, 2013.
E. Jenelius and H. Koutsopoulos,
"Consistent travel time estimation using sparse probe vehicle data sampled by time and distance,"
, 2012.
O. Fröidh and K. Kottenhoff,
"Do regional and interregional travelers prefer trains or buses? - Evidence from Blekinge, Sweden,"
, 2012.
O. Fröidh,
"Green train. Basis for a Scandinavian high-speed train concept. Final report, part A,"
KTH Royal Institute of Technology, 2012.
T. Stojanovski, C.-J. Engström and A. Rader Olsson,
"Inventering av dokumenterade effekter, effektsamband och uppföljningsmetoder för samhällsplaneringsinsatser : (KTH del: region- och kommunal planering),"
, 2012.
X. Ma and J. Mårtensson,
"Optimal control of vehicle trajectory based on vehicle to infrastructure Information,"
, 2012.
B.-L. Nelldal and H. Boysen,
"Scandria Railway Corridor Performance. Baltic Sea Region Project 26, Scandinavian Adriatic Corridor for Growth and Innovation,"
, 2012.
B.-L. Nelldal, H. Boysen and A. Carillo Zanuy,
"Study on railway business for VEL Wagon and target costs,"
, 2012.
F. Radano, H. Orth and P. Schmidt,
"Intermodal Solutions for Trans-European Temperature-Sensitive Shipments, TESS WP4 report,"
, 2011.
A.-I. Lundberg and B.-L. Nelldal,
"Konkurrens och samverkan mellan tåg och flyg, Del 2 : Tidsserieanalys i Sverige,"
, TRITA-TEC-RR, 11-002, 2011.
B.-L. Nelldal et al.,
"Linjetåg för småskalig kombitrafik : Analys av marknad och produktionssystem och förslag till pilotprojekt,"
, 2011.
R. Sommar and J. Flodén,
"System design and evaluation of intermodal transport solutions, TESS WP5 report,"
, 2011.
T. Stojanovski,
"The interrelationship between bus transport and neighbourhoods in Karlstad,"
KTH Royal Institute of Technology, 2011.
J. Illenberger, G. Flötteröd and K. Nagel,
"The role of spatial interaction in social networks,"
, 2011.
E. Andersson et al.,
"TOSCA. Rail freight transport : Techno-economic analysis of energy and greenhouse gas reductions,"
, 2011.
E. Andersson et al.,
"TOSCA. Rail passenger transport : Techno-economic analysis of energy and greenhouse gas reductions,"
, 2011.
V. Psaraki-Kalouptsidi, I. Pagoni and O. Fröidh,
"TOSCA. Transport Infrastructure Capacity Assessment. Rail transport,"
, 2011.
M. Börjesson, J. Eliasson and I. Kristoffersson,
"Trängselskatt på Essingeleden minskar trängseln kraftigt. PM till TV4 20110425,"
, 2011.
K. Kottenhoff and P. G. Andersson,
"Bus Rapid Transit in Sweden? : Shortversion of a Swedish Prestudy,"
, Trita-TEC-RR, 09-001, 2010.
B.-L. Nelldal and H. Boysen,
"Railway Corridor Performance between Scandinavia and Northern Germany : An investigation for the Scandria project,"
, 2010.
E. Jenelius and L.-G. Mattsson,
"Road network vulnerability analysis of area-covering disruptions: A grid-based approach with case study,"
, 2010.
E. Jenelius, L.-G. Mattsson and D. Levinson,
"Traveler delay costs and value of time with trip chains, flexible activity scheduling and information,"
, 2010.
K. Kottenhoff and P. G. Andersson,
"Bus Rapid Transit i Sverige? : Kunskapssammanställning med identifiering av forskningsfrågor,"
, 2009.
G. Troche, S. Östlund and M. Skoglund,
"Pre-study for conversion of dieselelectric freight locomotive class TMz into a dual-power locomotive,"
, 2009.
O. Fröidh and B.-L. Nelldal,
"Tåget till framtiden : järnvägen 200 år 2056,"
, Trita-TEC-RR, 06-004, 2008.